DAY 05


After breakfast, we will start the day in Kibbutz Kalia and focus on the following topics:

Dairy barn: Number of milking cows: 300, Average annual milk yield: 12,000 liters.

Turkeys: We breed about 10,000 turkeys for their meat in enormous coops, in the coops operates advanced control system to oversee the temperature, food and water.

Date plantation: Israel’s largest plantation- approximately 14,000 date palms of three maim species: Mg’hul, Nu palm and Bahari. The tour in the plantation will include a full explanation including the different issues involving growing dates: pruning, pollination, thinning and watering with recycled water from Jerusalem that arrives to the plantation after the wastewater purification process. The “Gadid” (date harvest) takes place in August and September.

Og water reservoir: The reservoir contains all the purified wastewater from the Jerusalem area, without which it is impossible to maintain any kind of agriculture in the northern Dead Sea area. Field crops: Harvest period- from September to May.

The crops include- onions, watermelons, tomatoes, garlic, and chives. The tour includes an explanation about the irrigation system using droppers- efficiency and water saving.

Descend to the ‘Dead Sea’ the lowest point on earth 1305 ft. below sea level. Make a stop at a private beach and take the opportunity to float in the salty buoyant water, rich in minerals (towels and swim necessary). Drive to the hotel for dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.